About Good Folk
Good Folk was founded in 2018 because we believed collaboration and embracing smart technology could be the key to a better music business—one that puts creatives back on top and ahead of the curve.
Our business is to help producers, songwriters, and engineers build reliable long-term relationships and sustainable careers. The industry will continue to change and evolve, especially in regards to streaming music and copyrights. We identify areas for each client that may be suited for new, future-minded businesses that serve the creator community (think digital brands, sample pack businesses, and unconventional ways of collaborating) so they can ride that wave.
Our clients aren’t two-dimensional so their business models shouldn’t be either.
Creative equity is a key to cultivating a career that will support you long after trends and tastes change. It is not enough to simply agree to equity during deal-making—a smart partner manages creative equity, ensures payouts are timely, and forecasts your earnings for long-term financial sustainability.
This kind of holistic awareness is what separates what we do from the rest of the pack and ultimately allows our clients to do what they do best—create.
“If you want to find a community, look for the eccentric characters, the artists. Without them, there is none. I’ve seen so many things come and go in the music industry (ever heard of Myspace?) during my time in the business.
I’ve seen trends change and technology evolve. I’ve watched those same people delete their Myspace accounts. Eventually, they will delete their TikToks. The change is inevitable. But there is something that is here to stay and worth pursuing.
Great art can stand the changing tides. It survives through floods and famines and fifteen minutes of fame. And that’s what I strive to preserve. I make it my business to find and build ways for creators to continue producing great art. Because even when we’re drowning in the updates and the cool next things, I think the great art will endure; prevail even.
And that’s my best William Faulkner-esque outlook on the matter (can you tell I grew up in Mississippi?)”
The Team
Jordan Mattison, founder, is a passionate entrepreneur who’s been helping music industry professionals navigate the industry for more than 15 years.
Lily Petersen joined the team in 2022 and helps manage clients while bringing a fresh perspective to the table.
Coalesce, a digital agency, operates as the back-of-house. They bring digital know-how and technology expertise to the table, ensuring your business has comprehensive support and control regarding digital footprint, accounting, tracking tools, and more.
Good Folk is run by good people. People who tell the truth, follow the data, and love experimenting. If you’d like to join our rapidly-growing team, email: jobs@goodfolkmanagement.com