Future-ready music management. 

Good Folk is artist-minded music management for producers, songwriters, and engineers led by people who actually care.


About Us

You make the music. We handle everything else.

From releasing digital products to creating custom brands for new businesses, Good Folk is a home for brave music creatives. We help build sustainable business models for our clients with a focus on efficiency, cost reduction, and exploring new avenues for revenue. Headquartered in Nashville but working worldwide.

A vision that helps artists become entrepreneurs.


Good Folk client Jeremy Lutito created the song for Nike’s 2021 Emmy-winning commercial “You Can’t Stop Us.” Watch the award ceremony moment here and the commercial here.

Award-winning Writing

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The creative process has its share of fat to trim. We hired an engineer for our roster to take the mundane, time-extensive tasks off our clients’ plates so they can spend more time on the creative work. Learn more.

House Engineer


We’re paving the way for clients to work with artists across the budget spectrum while maintaining their standard market rates by creating a new model that covers production costs up front. Curious if this is a fit for you? Get in touch.

Production Potluck

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We helped clients launch their own sample and digital instrument businesses that generate 10-20x revenue compared to traditional industry paths Read the case studies.

Digital Product Launches

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Clients have appeared on critically and commercially acclaimed albums like Psychodrama by Dave (produced by Fraser T. Smith), which won the Mercury Prize & the Brits Record of the Year.

Global Reach

Featured Case Studies

Digital Instrument

Teletone: Inspired virtual instruments for today’s music creators

How search for a new sound led to a self-sustaining business.


Royalty Calculator

Good Splits: Super-simple royalty accounting

When we couldn’t find a tool to help artists easily split their royalty earnings, we built one ourselves.


A team of people who give a damn.


Created by Jordan Mattison and the digital agency Coalesce in 2018, Good Folk has gone from managing a roster of producers and songwriters to being a complete artist-services company that breaks all the music-industry rules.